GUARANTEED 24 Hour or Less Occupancy Verification

NJ BPO / REO Agent

Real Estate Broker Licensed in NJ

Experienced REO BPO Broker in New Jersey Providing Valuation, Asset Management and Listing Services to Local Banks

Current Average REO Property Disposition Time – “75” Days (List to Close)

GUARANTEED 48 Hour or Less Broker Price Opinion

  • Real Estate Broker with 15+ years experience in property disposition in Central New Jersey
  • Full suite of best-in-class REO services including Cash For Keys.
  • Strong relationships with many key clients including AMP, Green River Capital, and Keystone Asset Management.
  • Heavy daily network media advertising to over 200,000 consumers and investors.
  • GUARANTEED 24 -hour occupancy checks and weekly reporting
  • BPO (for both REO and 3rd Party Providers)
  • GUARANTEED 48-hour or less turn around for both drive by and full interior Broker Price Opinions.
  • All BPOs are performed by our experienced agents to provide you with fast and accurate “Bulls-Eye” pricing of REO properties.
    Multiple relavant Photos including: Address Verification, Street scean both ways, Subject Front, and both sides, External obsolescence. Interior BPOs include 2 angles of all Interior rooms, Repairs, Property Rear View, Yard.
  • MMRs, CFK, Eviction, Re-Key, Secure, Trash-out, Repair/Rehab. Seasonal work, Expert contract negotiation, Closing Co-ordination, Members of 4 Muliple Listing Services, MLS
  • Equator,, REOTrans, BidSelect and other REO platforms.
  • Your forms or ours.
  • $200 Exterior BPO
  • $300 Interior BPO. With Multiple photos and Repair estimates.
  • Covering All of Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth and Somerset Counties in NJ.